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P!NK = Adrenochrome & A Freemason Tranny Singer! Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall

Updated: Oct 16, 2021

Todays topics: PINK a Freemason transgender singer that worships Lucifer and Adrenochrome. #SymbolismWillBeTheirDownfall

The colour PINK represents Adrenochrome to these creatures and they do it right in your face. It always ties back to symbolism. Once you learn to read symbolism, spot the trannies, see all the connections the veil lifts and the genie is out of the bottle.

Pink Blog Introduction:

Pink Blog Podcast:

You will not believe how easily we have been deceived. Statue of Liberty is also a DUDE and every Obelisk in the world is a version of OSIRIS's penis and a big FU to the world masquerading as markers for important Illuminati centers of power. Time for a change folks, not today Satan. #GodWins

The Statue of Liberty Is Actually Probably a Man

They don't even hide it. That is the point. 1 second search of OSIRIS penis monuments:

The More You Know

June 11th = 6/11 = 911

6/11/21 was a Friday - Same day JFK was assassinated

Same day Carolyn was born Friday January 7 = 17 = Q

Same day JFK Jr and Carolyn flight "disappeared" 17 miles from Martha's Vineyard

They named their dog Friday and Cat Ruby after Jack Ruby

Jackie wore a red ruby ring #RubyCute similar to the one #JuanOSavin wears to troll the Freemasons I suspect

Friday = FRY DAY Madonna referred to fried fish is a whole other level of depravity

Freemason Ring #WhenYouKnowYouKnow

Few Significant Headlines from June 11/21:

Top Court Orders Files Tied to Sherman Estate Unsealed, Citing Public Interest

TORONTO -- The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that documents relating to the estate of murdered billionaire couple Honey and Barry Sherman should be unsealed.

U.S. Lawmakers Pass Bill Investigating Trudeau Government-China Relations

Is Canada in a situation where the Liberal’s dedication to China is so firmly entrenched that the government of the U.S.A. has to intervene in order for change to occur?

Who's The Boss? ;)

The United States presidential state car, nicknamed "the Beast", "Cadillac One", "First Car" code named "Stagecoach" is the official state car of the president of the United States. The current model of presidential state car is a unique Cadillac that debuted on September 24, 2018. - Interesting date - 9 - 6 - 11 - There are a whole lot of 911's!!



Here are "13" symbols that Freemasons use, a 5 year old can spot them they are so obvious. #13Bloodlines

Vow of Silence = Masonic Obligation of Silence

All Mocking Tongue = Serpent Tongue, Deviant Sexually

Triad Claw = Masonic M, Reptillian Dragon Claw, 666, V

Dragon Symbol of the Cosmos = Summon Demons, Cast Curses

The Pyramid Sign = Illuminati Pyramid

The Illuminati Hidden Eye = Eye of Horus, Lucifer, All Seeing Eye

Lightening Bolt = Lucifer Falling From Heaven Like a Lightening Bolt

Upside Down Cross = Mock and Dishonour Christ and God

The Devil's Horns = Sign of Satan Horned God

The V Sign = Sign of the Occult - Pentagram

Triple Six = Number of the Beast

The Hidden Hand = Royal Arch Degree FreeMasonry = I'm In This

As Above So Below = Destruction of Earth & Civilization

PINK = Adrenochrome

What is Jill really saying?

Illuminati Numerology by:

"11 13 23 33 44 66 77 88 99 show up in almost every news article every catastrophic disaster such as tornados, earthquakes, hurricanes floods, sink holes and even volcano eruptions. The numbers also show up in school shootings murders celebrity deaths for example Robin Williams who committed suicide on the 11th and Whitney Houston drug overdose on February 11th during black history month. When most people do not pay attention to the dates and the time of the event or the number of deaths, I pay awfully close attention I also add the numbers such as 911 9+1+1=11 in my blog I will be adding and compressing numbers to prove that these sets of numbers could only mean one thing - that all of these acts were done by the Illuminati. How deep does this rabbit hole go?"

Pink The Singer is a Dude Freemason Deceiver

At this point in time I'm assuming you all know the singer Pink is a dude. You can't miss this one's adonis belt. In this photo with her/his "daughter" Willow, sporting a pink hat and heart.

Pink's Freemason Ritual EXPOSED!

Enjoy the following photo montage of Pink gifting us with all the Freemason symbolism she/he can. Enjoy the show.

SRC Maria Berglund Pink Photo collection


The Singer "Pink" 100% Proof Of Faked Pregnancy - A Transgender Born A Man

If you have any doubts do not miss this video!

Adrenochrome at Wuhan??


In popular culture

  • In his 1954 book The Doors of Perception, Aldous Huxley mentioned the discovery and the alleged effects of Adrenochrome which he likened to the symptoms of mescaline intoxication, although he had never consumed it.

  • Anthony Burgess mentions Adrenochrome at the beginning of his 1962 novel A Clockwork Orange. The protagonist and his friends are drinking drug-laced milk"

  • Hunter S. Thompson mentioned Adrenochrome in his 1971 book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. This is probably the origin of current myths surrounding this compound, because a character states that "There’s only one source for this stuff... the adrenaline glands from a living human body. It’s no good if you get it out of a corpse."

PINK room in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas with Johnny Depp

  • The harvesting of an adrenal gland from a live victim to obtain Adrenochrome for drug abuse is a plot feature in the second episode of the television series Lewis (2007).

  • The harvest of Adrenochrome from murder victims is a key part of the 2017 horror film Adrenochrome

  • Adrenochrome is a component of several false conspiracy theories such as QAnon and the Pizzagate conspiracy theory

Monsters INC. The Adrenochrome Fear

Please do not miss this video. It connects so many dots. Warning Graphic. Necessary.

What Is Adrenochrome? Follow The White Rabbit

Aerosmith - Pink (Official HD Video)

So in your face, look at the degenerates in this video and listen to the words of the song.

Pink Hair - All DUDES!

Pink Cadillacs - Mary Kay, Bruce Springsteen, Songs...

Pink Houses & Pink Pig - Pink Pig = 82 = Game Changer

Are pigs even natural? Or did they create them using human DNA???

Victoria's Secret? They are all Victors and have kickstands.

Lex Warner owner of Vic's Secret funded Jeffrey Epstein and his revolting secret underage sex, torture and sacrifice chambers found under the blue and white striped "temple" with a big gold dome is all you need to know about that freak of nature.

Victor Vanguess

"INTERESTING; VICTORIA’S SECRET announced they are dumping their “Angel” fashion models, and replacing them with “woke” Leftist activists like Flag-kneeling Pro-Soccer player Megan Rapinoe. I have no issues with her personal life, but I do with her politics. Perhaps GQ Magazine, can put out-of-shape, donut-eating Leftist activist Michael Moore, on their cover." ~VV

Victoria's "WOKE" Secret = DUDES = ALL OF THEM!!

The New Normal. #NOPE

Justin Trudeau’s OBSESSION with LGBT, And Other Sexual Fixations

Two Convicted Pedophiles Sitting On Pink Thrones In Buckingham Palace

Pink thrones, pink singers, pink songs, pink trannies, pink dresses, pink fireworks, pink hair, pink pedophile double heart logo, pink ribbons, pink diamonds, pink houses, pink Cadillacs, pink pigs. #PINK


Transpocalypse NOW

You’re watching a movie!! Mask Alert


How do they transport the children? #LiveArt

Evergreen & Barbara Streisand

Let's wrap up with another one of our favourite topics Evergreen the shipping company and Hillary Clinton's Secret Service name. Barbara Streisand, famously sang the song EVERGREEN, just another Freemason tranny. My word did you see Yentl? Did you ever see the photo shoot Jennifer MANiston did on Babs? Dead ringers, two little dudes playing dudettes. You see all of these topics we write about are connected.

Barbara Streisand = 586 = The Great Reset, It's A Pattern, Look Into The Light