I have another wild blog to share with you, the news cycle is insane for some reason. ;)
We knew this time would come. I continue to learn new topics that I think really need to be shared. Let's talk about MASS FORMATION and menticide. This is exactly what has happened to society, EXACTLY like WW2, there is no other explanation. You're going to want to see this!
Introduction to Blog:
Podcast - You can read or listen. Up to YOU as usual isn't it?

When someone mocks you for believing JFK Jr is alive, share my meme! Did you catch the message from JFK Jr. the real 19th Vice President of the United States of America for the restored Republic under the 1776 constitution? Biden transfers power under the 25 Amendment to Kamalla Harris while he gets a colonoscopy to find out why he keeps shitting himself. The COVID narrative is unravelling China said they never isolated the virus and Fauci admits the vaccine does not work, so he recommends getting the 4th booster shot. HELLO???
Rittenhouse Acquitted! Very exciting news, but what were they trying to distract us from? Ghislaine Maxwell.
Plenty of JFK Jr. & bloodline reveals now they are coming fast and furious. This revolution will not be televised. Enjoy the show!
This is how they do it. The TV watchers and those that have succumbed to mass formation will be left behind. Trump Truth Social will be an absolute game changer with the way we get our news and communicate. Everyone will have a channel and everyone will be sharing their stories and experiences on this platform. The TV watchers and VAXXED will literally be left behind unless they snap out of their reverie and start detoxing their mind and bodies immediately. I wouldn't want to be in that uninformed camp still relying on Chinese propaganda from CGI Anderson Pooper while Dr. Fraudci recommends a 4th booster shot because the vaccination does not work. Now what do you think the Quackinated are thinking right now? They're not.

What if their plan was to awaken the consciousness of the chosen ones, Malcom Gladwell wrote that you require 10% of the people to change the masses perception. I believe we are more than 10%, however once we are set loose on Truth Social with no censorship and equipped to the teeth with facts vs feelings coupled with years of research and some evidence, these people do not stand a chance. BUT you know what else is significant with these people? Their ego. They won't be able to handle not understanding what is actually going on in the world. They won't be informed or in the "know" , they require an attachment to the group think. It's all they know and understand, so the thought of being in the minority will make their collective heads explode. And the new group think is our natural state with a Christ consciousness that continues to grow and no longer accept these chains of slavery attached to our minds.
"You've had the power all along Dorothy, take off your mask, stop behaving like a muzzled dog. You are faking being sick to fit in and giving dogs a bad name. Smarten up." Marz Loves Freedom

Let's review Marz's new favourite song. This is exactly what children should be listening to and memorizing.
Welcome To The Revolution - We Will Not Comply!
By: Hi-Rez & Jimmy Levy
Joe Biden's Colonoscopy
Has any other President in history ever notified the world that he is going in for a colonoscopy, let alone transfer power to the VP, for a procedure that takes an hour? Does this not appear suspicious? The left could care less. Perfectly normal. Nothing to see here. I recall asking a "friend" if it was normal that Joe Biden's eyeball fill up with blood on live TV. They said, absolutely it happened to a friend of theirs. #MassFormation #Menticide #SweetBabyJesus

Biden transfers power under the 25 Amendment to Kamalla Harris while he gets a colonoscopy. For most this is a 15 minute procedure, why does he need to hand over the reins of power to Kamalla? Nothing to see here. Juan O Savin said Kamalla and Nancy will be fighting over the Presidency. Jimmy Kimmel mentions the 25 Amendment, QAnon are nuts and does full skit on JFK Jr. return in Dallas with a child who's name is Adrenochrome. Weird it's like the white hats are in full control.
Here is the letter sent by Biden transferring power to Kamala Harris, while Poopy Pants Biden gets a colonoscopy to find out why he continues to shit himself. This is under the 25th Amendment - Election fraud has consequences.
Note the letterhead and signed the President of the United States - of what?
Did ‘The Simpsons’ predict Kamala Harris becoming vice president?

I think we need to reexamine every single celebrity that died in a "plane crash". I'm convinced leaving on a jet plane has a whole new meaning. John Denver is one of the Vincent Fuscas, this has been confirmed by Michael Protzman and this was in the most recent Vincent Kennedy video and we saw it in the Fall of the Cabal series so that is a triple confirmation folks! I also believe he was the man sitting behind Mike Penny in Dallas!
There are 3 Vincent Fuscas. JFK Jr., John Denver did not leave on a jet plane and I believe the 3rd Vincent Fusca could be JFK, Dode Fayed or Anthony Radziwill.
I choose door #3! Anthony Radziwiłł - I also believe he is Joe M the creator of the Q videos and JFK Jr is the slightly altered voice. Oh wait, what is this Anthony Radziwill was a television executive and filmmaker? You don't say? @TheStormIsUponUs
Prince Anthony Stanisław Albert Radziwiłł was a Swiss-born American television executive and filmmaker. He was a nephew of former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and Jr's cousin! It's all about the bloodlines!!!!
Remember folks, time travellers!!! #REINCARNATE
Time is not linear, it is simultaneous.
Everything is happening now past present and future.
Check out Aaliyah DOB - January 16 = 17 = Q. She's a white hat.

So according to Vincent Kennedy's video Aaliyah never died in a plane crash, she also faked her death and is playing the role of Kamalla Harris. Juan O Savin said Kamalla and Nancy would be fighting over the Presidency. So that would mean Aaliyah and Joan Rivers are dookin it out for President? Isn't that great? Two dead celebrities, a singer & comedian dookin it out for POTUS. ha ha ha.
Vincent Kennedy - Let's Go to Dallas Brandon (Media Tells The Truth)

Now who in their "right" minds would allow these alien Nazi probs to look up your ass for imaginary polyps you created in your own mind? Come on now. The biggest scam out there and if they nick your intestine, sucks to be you! YOU get to have designer Ken and Barbie colostomy bags as a result of your fear and worshipping the big business of PREVENTION. If you're still going in for all the tests to see if you're sick... then you deserve what you find. YOU CREATED IT. YOU ARE YOUR DISEASE. Smarten up. #Meditate #Heal #Focus


Jimmy Kimmel Show Can't Stop Talking Q and JFK Jr.

QAnon Nuts Still Waiting for JFK Jr, the Trump Tower of Tell-Alls & Chris Christie's Golden Moment - start @ 2 minute
The child's name in the skit is "Adrenochrome". HELLO who's wearing a tin foil hat now people? This photo is courtesy of Jimmy Kimmel.

If you have been following me, you know I believe JFK Jr is alive, a master of disguise, an actor and a lawyer and I believe I have uncovered ~25 of the characters he plays in The Great Awakening. I could be off on a few of them no one checks my work. Some are voice only. They say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. We continue trying and we will never ever give up.

Um, how about that out of this world touchdown last night by Britain Covey number 18 with only 7 seconds left to play until halftime when Utah ranked 23 returned a punt about 75 yards to go ahead of the Oregon Ducks ranked 3rd in the country. Wow! That was cool! Utah won against Oregon - 38 - 7. Is that right? 3+8 = 11 - 7 = 117.
Signs signs everywhere there are signs!

143 = Its A Pattern
143 = Ground Zero
143 = Wheres Durham
143 = The Punisher
143 = The Big Picture
143 = The Holy Lion
143 = November Eight
143 = Pro Life Vote
143 = You Are Loved
143 = I Am The Truth
JFK JR Is Alive A Master Of Disguise Playing Many Roles

When people mock you for believing JFK Jr. is alive.
Can We Be Whatever We Want To Be?
I know the Great Awakening is not all about JFK Jr., however, he takes on very significant roles to help teach the people. What if when YOU make change, it gets activated in every human being in the WORLD? So you know when people say "how can I help? I'm JUST one person." Rethink that phrase, everything you do has consequences and sends energy to the universe, is it good or evil? This includes all thoughts, behaviours and actions. What you send out is what you get back. So if you choose kindness with a grateful heart, these are both compassionate actions built on love.
Consider this, you have a thought - then a feeling - this creates the energy and then the experience. Heads up we live in a hologram. Time is not linear, it is simultaneous. Everything is happening now past present and future. You're more powerful than you recognize. Your thoughts create your world. Your mind is the vehicle you use to create. You can change your life and destiny by focusing on what you want. Your subconscious creates your world your conscious decodes it. #RemoteViewing #HigherSelf #Meditate

What if JFK Jr. is teaching us YOU can be anything you want to be? Look at all the roles he plays and he plays each and everyone of them very well. So we know he is a special guy, but aren't we all special with super duper talents that have been hidden from us?
In no particular order JFK Jr. is a Legend, a Cowboy, Rock Star, CEO, Manufacturer, Boss, Pro Wrestler, X Crack Addict and Degenerate Gambler, Actor, Master of Disguise - likes to dress up and can go anywhere incognito, Entertainer, Magician, Politician, Artist, Painter, Loyal Patriot, Son, Brother, Cousin, Husband, Father, Friend, Teacher, Preacher, Movie Producer, Movie Director, Singer, Mentor, Dancer, Reporter, Writer, Journalist, Publisher, Pilot, Supreme Athlete, Lawyer, Deep Sea Diver, Dreamer, Navy Seal, Marine, Poet, History Buff, Space Force Specialist, Time Traveller, Vice President, Meditator, Secret Service Agent, Healer, Uniter, A Chameleon gifted with a great sense of humour and purpose and is from the Jesus bloodline. WHAT!!!


If you have not watched the Jesus Strand videos, prepare to have your mind blown. They will change you. The research is extraordinary. Thank you.
Jesus Strand One
Jesus Strand Two
The Lincoln Kahlooni Druze Minority Bloodline: The Jesus Strand
With all of JFK Jr.'s extraordinary accomplishments most of us can begin to feel like underachievers but I don't believe any of us really are. ;) I'll bet John would be a lot of fun to hang out with right? Isn't that the point of the Michael Protzman, just me = 18 = R = JFK Jr. character spending hours of his time teaching the people about gematria, numerology and sharing nuggets of information that only an insider could know all while hanging out with patriots and being so accessible? He also lets us know President Trump is listening to us.
Michael Protzman said JFK Jr. played Jesse Waters. Q says "Watch the water". There is always more than one meaning. We definitely love Jesse's reporting. Now are there more than one Jesse Waters? We'll find out.
The majority of us sit back click on our TV and watch "others" do amazing things like they are special and the only ones with "talent". Heads up, President Trump told us, we are the elite. Each and everyone of us have so much power and talent that we need to tap into. I never thought I would be writing a blog on anything, let alone The Great Awakening! Who would want to read or listen to me? If I'd listened to my ego left brain I never would have written or published a thing! I would have been too busy worrying about what other people think, now I realize what other people think of me is none of my business. It's either your issue or your gift, you figure it out. Now none of that matters, the words flow easily and organically and most importantly I do it because I enjoy it and it helps me to continue learning and if it helps enlighten one more person then that's a bonus. #WWG1WGA