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  • Writer's picturemarlenelove9

THE AFTERMATH of the Press Conference 10/7

Updated: Dec 24, 2020

The number of people that are desperate for firework announcements is hysterical. If you have been paying attention #TheGreatAwakening is done with military precision & planning, a drip drip drip of information to help wake up the sleepers. You will never hear President @realDonaldTrump get excited. #5DChess ISIS Militants Charged With Deaths Of Americans In Syria

Two ‘Beatles’ charged with hostage-taking of American citizens in Syria and other terrorism offences that resulted in the deaths of James Wright Foley, Steven Joel Sotloff, Peter Edward Kassig, and Kayla Jean Mueller

Pay close attention to these words: "These charges are the product of many years of hard work in pursuit of justice for our citizens slain by ISIS.  Although we cannot bring them back, we can and will seek justice for them, their families, and for all Americans,” said Attorney General William P. Barr. “Our message to other terrorists around the world is this — if you harm Americans, you will face American arms on the battlefield or American law in our courtrooms. Either way, you will be pursued to the ends of the earth until justice is done.” Translation: They are coming for you, and you will be pursued to the ends of the earth until justice is done! #OBAMAGATE Remember who created & founded ISIS? President Trump told us who. OBAMA that's who!!

The American Victims

James Wright Foley – In November 2012, Kotey, Elsheikh, Emwazi, and other ISIS fighters forcibly seized and detained Foley, a citizen of both the United States and the United Kingdom. On or about Aug. 19, 2014, ISIS’s media center released a video depicting Emwazi beheading Foley.

Kayla Jean Mueller – In August 2013, ISIS fighters forcibly seized and detained Mueller in Syria. Beginning in or about October 2014, Baghdadi sexually abused Mueller against her will while she was held captive in Syria. On or about Feb. 7, 2015, Mueller’s family received an email from ISIS fighters confirming Mueller’s death in Syria.

Steven Joel Sotloff – In August 2013, ISIS fighters forcibly seized and detained Sotloff in Syria. On or about Sept. 2, 2014, ISIS’s media center released a video depicting Emwazi beheading Sotloff.

Peter Edward Kassig – In October 2013, ISIS fighters forcibly seized and detained Kassig in Syria. On or about Nov. 16, 2014, ISIS’s media center released a video depicting the decapitated head of Kassig.

I believe there are more arrests to come!

ISIS Militants Charged With Deaths Of Americans In Syria

Two ‘Beatles’ charged with hostage-taking of American citizens in Syria and other terrorism offenses that resulted in the deaths of James Wright Foley, Steven Joel Sotloff, Peter Edward Kassig, and Kayla Jean Mueller

Why did it take so long? Why aren't these rapists torturers and murders of American citizens getting the death penalty? Will Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama get away with abandoning them and their horrific murders after repeatedly calling for help? We got the ISIS terrorists, something Obama would never have accomplished, many were hoping for the arrest of Hillary Clinton and Obama. I believe this is exactly where this is leading & the American people need to DEMAND THEIR ARRESTS & THEIR EXECUTIONS for war crimes against humanity. We have to work for this folks!!!

To clarify here is the real story that happened in Benghazi, written in 2012 by American Thinker. Juan O Savin said it was an excellent article and reports exactly what happened.

Benghazi and Hillary - July 1, 2016 From the article: Because of Christopher Stevens's flag rank as ambassador, communications about the attack had the highest priority.  Hillary as SecState was in the chain of command for State Department employees like Ambassador Stevens.  U.S. teams were standing by to rush in, rescue Stevens and other threatened personnel, and repel the jihadist attackers with helicopters and Spectre gunships. 

Ambassador Stevens called for help, but help never came. 

It has been clear since 2012 that that failure of command responsibility had to come from the top, from both Obama and Hillary. 

The House report on Benghazi does not explain why carefully prepared rescue procedures were blocked at the crucial moment.

Officers who fail to defend their units are normally relieved of command.  But this was not a local command failure.  The stand-down order involved Hillary and CIA director Brennan and therefore had to come from the top.  

This raises the possibility of not just command failure, which could be due to many things, but also deliberate command betrayal.  Even with an 800-page House report, we still do not know why the stand-down order came from the White House, the CIA, and the State Department. 

Since Hillary is running for president at this very moment, there is no more serious question in U.S. politics than her fitness to serve.  Benghazi shows that she is morally unfit, and her subsequent health problems indicate that she may be mentally unfit.  She cannot be trusted.  #LOCKHERUP #TOGETHER

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