Federal Reserve and the IRS American Dream (Animation)
Sinking of The Titanic Or Was It The Olympic? #Federal Reserve
President Trump merged the Treasury with the Federal Reserve last March. https://stopnakedshortselling.org/2021/02/did-donald-trump-just-smash-city-of-london-rothschilds/
The People Are Now Being Presented With New Economic System
Clandestine Operation In Progress, Think Shadow Presidency/Government NG
X22 Official accounts: https://x22report.com/official-accounts/
Robert David Steele, a former US Marine and CIA spy has a short message for the Prime Ministers & Leaders of the World!
An inspirational message from General Mike Flynn to his #DigitialSoldiers. #HoldTheLine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gy0tDJIm_s0
Thanks for reading. #WWG1WGA