Guy on Tik Tok nails it on this game called life. Eye Drop Media - drops an uplifting video called Dark To Light - betcha you won't be able to watch just once.

Trump predictions on Biden are all coming true. 'He must be insane, or suffering from late stage dementia!' Trump slams Biden after 'awkward and angry' Philadelphia speech and calls on someone to explain MAGA to him 'slowly but passionately.'
Don't you find it ironic that the left loves to name call using the word Nazi and Hitler lover. May I present to you every world leader, including Joe Biden. Here is the Biden Hitler/Pedo debacle of a speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia and President Trump continues to re-truth Q and truthful memes. God love him he is so fantastic. Let's review Trump's presidential records dumped all over the floor for #BlueAnons. #TideIsTurning
The possibility of the vaccinated collapsing, fainting or dying whilst carrying out a task involving others, is a very clear and present danger.
Paul Pelosi gets 5 days in jail, 3 years of probation in Napa Valley DUI
Royal Caribbean To Be First In Cruise Industry To Equip Ships With "Kickass" Starlink Internet. US to provide $3 billion in military aid to Ukraine: official, End The Fed in under 2 minutes
Here is some more big DeSantis Energy - DeSantis-Led Florida Rated #1 in Fiscal And Economic Freedom. Governor DeSantis won't let Florida farmland go to 'rogue states' like China without a fight and Florida pulls LGBTQ 'Support Guides' from schools, citing 'grave concerns' over parental rights.
LGBTQ+ The Dark Agenda Exposed Level 1
98% - 99% of the "people" on the cover for The Most Beautiful Women R Men - MrE Transvestigation Collection - Serbia Cancels EuroPride Event - The Drag Queen in the Room - Story Hour UK - America Transformation - Bullocks!
Eating on public transit should be illegal. #StopLickingYourFingers - Anyone else getting tired of winning? Enjoy the show!
This Guy Nails it On The Movie - The Game Called Life
Dark to Light - Eye Drop Media
WOW, do not miss this video. Great job.
Trump Biden Predictions!!!

Trump slams Biden and his Philadelphia speech and calls on someone to explain MAGA to him 'slowly but passionately'
'He must be insane, or suffering from late stage dementia!' Trump slams Biden after 'awkward and angry' Philadelphia speech and calls on someone to explain MAGA to him 'slowly but passionately'
Donald Trump took to his Truth Social account late on Thursday to slam Biden's 'awkward and angry' speech
The ex-president called on someone to explain to his successor what MAGA meant, 'slowly but passionately'
Trump also accused the 79-year-old of 'threatening America, including with the possible use of military force'
Earlier Biden had taken to stage at Independence Hall in Philadelphia where he furiously denounced Trump
He accused him of 'destroying American democracy' and slammed him saying the 2020 election was stolen
Biden also branded him - and MAGA Republicans who follow him - as 'extremism that threatens our republic'
In October 2020, Biden said: 'Instead of treating each other’s party as the opposition, we treat them as the enemy. This must end!'
President Biden Full Speech on Democracy

Mentions in Biden's speech:
China: 0
Crime: 0
Inflation: 0
Fentanyl: 0
The Border: 0
Charlottesville: 1
January 6th: 2
Insurrection: 3
Donald Trump: 3
Extremism: 7
Violence: 10
MAGA: 13
Republicans: 16
Tucker Calls Biden Speech Turning Point In American History
The threat is not coming from barefoot religious extremists in caves. It's not the Chinese government. It's not Vladimir Putin himself. The most evil man in history. No, this threat is worse and home grown. The single gravest threat to America today is Republican voters. All 75 million of them. They are Nazis and destroyers of democracy. That's the message of Joe Biden's speech,' Carlson stated, as he paraphrased Biden's prepared remarks.
'What Joe Biden is saying right now is the official position of the entire executive branch of the U.S. Government. That include the justice department and Intel agencies and the world's most powerful standing military. Think about that. Does it make you nervous?', Carlson asked his loyal Republican viewers.

Tucker Carlson slams Biden's 'obvious dictatorial ambitions' and claims the president was calling for a 'one-party state' during Pennsylvania speech that was 'turning point in American history'
Fox News Tucker Carlson said President Joe Biden's Philadelphia speech was a 'turning point in American history
Carlson expressed surprise that Biden was essentially using a campaign visit under the guise of an official White House endorsed speech
Carlson interpreted Biden's words as him attempting to portray the GOP and Trump supporters as an extremist branch in politics
The host suggested that it meant Biden would prefer to see a one-party system which would in effect give him the trappings of a dictator
Prominent Republicans weighed in on social media with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy demanding Biden apologize to the millions of Americans

WATCH: Donald Trump Jr. says Biden's 'Moloch' Speech was Reminiscent of Hitler and Mussolini
“It was ridiculous, actually,” Trump said. “It’s scary. I guess what I’d do, just for perspective for people, is like, imagine if Donald Trump made that speech, about 75 million Democrat voters.

Guess who loved Biden's speech? #HRC #WitchHunt

I find it hilarious that the producers of Biden's show dumped ABSURD amounts of cash only to accidentally create one of the most PAINFUL Biden moments EVER
🇺🇸Join Us👉 @SGTnewsNetwork
Heckler Says Biden ‘Stole’ Election, Called A ‘Pedophile’ During Maryland Speech
During an August 25th speech at Montgomery High School in Rockville, Maryland, a heckler among the crowd accused Biden of stealing the 2020 election. Before the individual was escorted out of the venue he also called Biden a "pedophile."
'How are you, baby?' Biden's wandering speech takes a CREEPY turn when he notices 9-year-old in audience
Do not miss this article! Biden is sooo creepy. Says to the 9 year old, almost double figures... 9 + 9 = 18 = R = JFK Jr.
Satanic - PedoHitler - V for Vendetta Trending on Twitter

Just let this sink in.
PedoHitler and Satanic was trending last night on their very own normie platform.
You can't tell me that everything that anons have been pushing for years is now out in the light. The movie is designed to wake people up and the beautiful thing about it is that it's happening on such a monumental scale that they don't even need anons to tell them the truth right now.
The sheep instinctively feel what we've been yelling from the rooftops.
The Great Awakening has accelerated so quickly.
I don't see how anyone doesn't realize that we are winning.
It’s About The Iran Deal!

They don’t know it yet, but the normies are about to get a massive dose of reality.
And in classic White Hat fashion, we got the normies to BEG for it first.
Just like with the Mueller probe, we seduced the normies into getting all of their eyes on, by giving them the optics that the situation was negative for Trump, only for Trump to be exonerated and the crimes of the Deep State exposed.
The normies don’t know a thing about the Iran Deal, but they are about to find out.
Who benefits from optics like this? Certainly not Biden and the Deep State. Which means we have two options here:
A) Biden’s Deep State handlers picked the worst candidate possible to accomplish their agenda, and they just so happen to botch EVERYTHING they do.
B) White Hats are in complete control, this is all a show, part of a global psyop to wake up the deep sleeping normies to the dark realities of corruption at the highest levels, while “organically” destroying the Deep State.
(It's B) - Clandestine

The REAL President. #AllEyesOnYou #AmericaFIrst

“That TIME Magazine cover was huge threat to national security,” the GOP House Judiciary said.
"The "Top Secret" Mar-a-Lago documents were so secret and Earth-shatteringly important that the FBI agents dumped them on the floor and took pictures of them for their Blue Anon friends in the media." ~Greg Price
Judge Delays Ruling on Trump’s Request for ‘Special Master’
Do not miss this article! #BlueAnons

What exactly is ‘Blue Anon,’ conservatives’ favorite new term?
If you’ve seen the term “Blue Anon” appear on social media over the past few days, you may be wondering what exactly the phrase is all about.
Recently uttered by several prominent conservatives, including right-wing commentator Candace Owens and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), the term “Blue Anon” is used to describe liberals who they claim espouse conspiratorial views.
The phrase is intended to resemble “QAnon,” the debunked far-right conspiracy theory that claimed a clandestine team of military intelligence officers were secretly aiding former President Donald Trump in a secret battle against a global network of child-eating pedophiles.
Greene, one of QAnon’s most well-known proponents, has likewise attempted to use the phrase to deflect legitimate criticism on her own outlandish beliefs.
Well well well. Look who's sharing Q - Plan To Save The World, our future speaker of the house!
Q Plan To Save The World #ICYMI

Looks like the Hallie Biden tweets where fakes sadly.
Who's been busy???

More great retruths from the boss.
2 year delta - USA Today - Corrupt, Controlled, Enemies of the Republic.

Somebody That I Used to Know - ⚠️ 𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿 𝘿𝙀𝙎𝘾𝙍𝙄𝙋𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉 ⚠️

Trump RE-Truths - An Eye for An Eye tweet - Video of him, says he loves to get even. ;)

The possibility of the vaccinated collapsing, fainting or dying whilst carrying out a task involving others, is a very clear and present danger.

Paul Pelosi DUI dashcam video released after California guilty plea
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul, was arrested on suspicion of DUI on May 28 - Paul Pelosi gets 5 days in jail, 3 years of probation in Napa Valley DUI
Royal Caribbean To Be First In Cruise Industry To Equip Ships With "Kickass" Starlink Internet

General Michael Flynn Gets Real Over What the Deep State Is Doing!
You HAVE to watch this interview. The great @JoePags interviews @TrueGenFlynn and it’s a really great one. Don’t miss it - lots of little tidbits for those who followed spygate and his case carefully.

US to provide $3 billion in military aid to Ukraine: official
The United States will announce close to $3 billion in fresh military assistance for Ukraine as the country marks its Independence Day, a US official said Tuesday, in the largest single security package yet in the six-month-old war.

End The Fed in under 2 minutes

Sink Titanic (Olympic) - Satanic Sacrifice, Insurance Scam and create the Federal Reserve. History Repeats Itself.

DeSantis-Led Florida Rated #1 in Fiscal And Economic Freedom
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has been taking a lot of heat lately from his Democratic rivals in deep blue states, but the Republican leader got some great news on Wednesday from a noted libertarian-leaning think tank.
According to the CATO Institute, the Sunshine State is No. 1 in both fiscal and economic freedom, and comes in second overall for personal freedom, Breitbart News reported.
“Florida ranks #1 among the states for economic freedom!” DeSantis noted on Facebook following the release of CATO’s assessment.

Top Gov Ron DeSantis
Earlier today in a meeting for first responders, teachers and retired veterans Gov. Ron Desantis states: “the state of Florida is the state where woke goes to die.”
DeSantis won't let Florida farmland go to 'rogue states' like China without a fight
13 minute interview with Laura Ingram.
Florida Pulls LGBTQ 'Support Guides' From Schools, Citing 'Grave Concerns' Over Parental Rights
Florida is pulling numerous LGBTQ support documents from all school districts in the state for review, after the State Board of Education suggested that some of these could violate a law passed earlier this year.
On Wednesday, Florida Education Commissioner Manny Diaz Jr. gave his staff the go ahead to conduct the action, with board member Ryan Petty stating that he has “grave concerns” regarding these support guide provided to teachers, students, and school staff members, according to News Service of Florida.
Petty reportedly took specific issue with one line from a guide out of the Hillsborough County school district, reading it aloud during a recent State board of Education meeting.
Citizen Goes Off on School Board
LGBTQ+ The Dark Agenda Exposed Level 1

Trudeau gov’t to give $100 million to LGBT groups across Canada
75 percent of the $100 million dollars will reportedly go toward local community organizations focused on 'inclusion,' because according to Justin Trudeau, that is 'where the real work of support comes from.'

Tucker Mocks Trudeau for Awarding Tax Dollars to People on the Basis of Sexual Preference
"It's now SLGBTQI+, and if you don't know, you're a bigot! Because you're getting $100 million for some reason, even though we can't identify them, and no one knows what a Two-Spirit is but shut up! How much of that money is coming from the truckers whose bank accounts Trudeau seized?"
Gaslighting the children! 😡😡😡
California School Textbook claims there a re 8 genders.

‘Erasing the L’: Woke Cops Remove Trans-Critical Lesbians From LGBTQ+ Pride Parade
Police removed a group of lesbians from the Cardiff Pride parade for allegedly sparking a “confrontation” with pro-transgederism members of the march. #GONGSHOW #TurningOnTheirOwn

The Drag Queen in the Room - Story Hour UK
This is a shocking expose, do not miss! No sane parent would approve of this disgusting behaviour around children. SICK GROOMERS & TRANNIES!
America Transformation - Bullocks!
Nicole KID MAN - another skinny DUDE!!! #PhotoShop #BUGS

98% - 99% of the cover for The Most Beautiful Women R Men

MrE Transvestigation Collection
This is a collection of my favourite trans-investigator, MrE. He taught me 4 years ago most of what I believe today regarding this Satanic cult of trannies. His channels had all been wiped out so watch while you can!
Mr. E also calls out Melania, Ivanka, Donald and Eric as transgendered. ;) Anything is possible, I personally do not believe that and believe his channel has to include the Trumps or it would make this truth teller appear suspicious or bias to normies. Just like a Call For an Uprising channel includes Trump's OK hand signals as proof he is a Satanic Freemason and one of the deep state crowd. I believe his actions speak louder than any hand signal or gesture, and when he does it - its to draw attention to the symbol, to have the normies point it out, question it then research it, in hopes to find Orange Man Bad - only to find all of their beloved crew and camp using these symbols, gestures, hand signs, numerology and are the evil Satanic Freemasons that do horrible things to children and humanity. Same as Trump story on the Epstein plane ONCE with no underage girls and never went to the island.
Jason Aldean Shows Support for Wife Brittany As Her Transgender Post Inspires Fury
Last week Brittany innocently posted this caption to a video: “I’d really like to thank my parents for not changing my gender when I went through my tomboy phase. I love this girly life.”
It was not long before the politically correct, woke and transgender police were alerted to the heinous crime and quickly branded Brittany a transphobic “hater.”
Jason tried to lighten things up with a little humor, joking: “Lmao!! Im glad they didn’t too, cause you and I wouldn’t have worked out,” along with the cry laughing emoji.

Serbia Cancels EuroPride Event
Procession Against LGBT Festival EuroPride Taking Place in Belgrade - Photos

Eating on Public Transit Should be Illegal
It's obviously unsanitary and this hungry lady licks her fingers to get every last drop of mayo and gravy into her mouth - she needs to step away from the plate, she clearly could have survived a public transit trip without eating. Serves her right, even the shirtless, shoeless guy got it right. LOL #GIT #Manners #StopLickingYourFingers
Looks like that same Finger Lickin Lady on Tik Tok
You won't be able to watch this just once. At first it's shocking, then it's hilarious.
20 Fingers - Lick it
Ha ha ha! Silly song for a laugh.

Thanks for joining me. Never ever give up. Please share the love.
Life According To Marz, Story at 6
Podcasts of Blogs & Introductions:
There are two wise sayings that I always remember.
1. Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are.
Jimmy Savile was close to the Royal family and was Charles's friend.
2. If you shoot your past, your future will shoot you.
So, if you "sink in", and forget those 10 children, you will lose more children in the future.